Orthodontics in Adults

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Is Orthodontic Treatment Possible for Adults?

Regardless of age, people want to have a healthy and aesthetic smile, to talk and smile with ease. This is our most natural need. Advancing age is not an obstacle to start treatment. Owing to the point that technology has reached today, orthodontic treatment can be performed at any age.

In the past, there may be people who could not receive orthodontic treatment due to their economic situation, not being aware of the existence of the treatment, lack of courage or living conditions. Or there may be those who start treatment in childhood or adolescence and leave it unfinished due to various reasons. We are now able to intervene in areas that cannot be intervened because they have completed their development. There is no age limit in orthodontic treatment for today.

The only criterion for initiating orthodontic treatment in adults is the healthy teeth and bone tissues.If the gingiva are healthy, we perform an examination to look for tooth and gingival losses, the presence of gingival recessions, and the suitability of tooth and jaw structure. We start the treatment by determining the most appropriate method according to the results of the examination.

Regardless of age, people want to have a healthy and aesthetic smile, to talk and smile with ease. This is our most natural need. Advancing age is not an obstacle to start treatment. Owing to the point that technology has reached today, orthodontic treatment can be performed at any age.

Geçmişte ekonomik durumları, tedavinin varlığından haberdar olunmaması, cesaret edememe yada yaşam koşulları gereği ortodontik tedavi alamamış kişiler olabiliyor. Ya da çocuklukta, ergenlikte tedaviye başlayıp çeşitli nedenlerle yarım bırakanlar olabiliyor. Gelişimini tamamlamış olduğu için müdahale edilemeyen alanlara artık müdahale edebiliyoruz. Bugün için artık ortodontik tedavide yaş sınırı yok.

In the past, there may be people who could not receive orthodontic treatment due to their economic situation, not being aware of the existence of the treatment, lack of courage or living conditions. Or there may be those who start treatment in childhood or adolescence and leave it unfinished due to various reasons. We are now able to intervene in areas that cannot be intervened because they have completed their development. There is no age limit in orthodontic treatment for today.

The only criterion for initiating orthodontic treatment in adults is the healthy teeth and bone tissues.If the gingiva are healthy, we perform an examination to look for tooth and gingival losses, the presence of gingival recessions, and the suitability of tooth and jaw structure. We start the treatment by determining the most appropriate method according to the results of the examination.

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  • What are the Advantages of Adult Orthodontic Treatment?
Prosthesis – Adults who need dentures should get an orthodontic examination so that they can use their prosthesis properly and have a long usage period. If necessary, with short-term orthodontic treatments before the prosthesis, the teeth are brought to a more upright position and their position is improved, resulting in a longer life and healthy prosthesis. Implant – Passing an orthodontic examination before getting an implant takes the treatment to a more effective point. With orthodontic interventions, the tooth gap can be closed and the implant may not be needed or the number of teeth to be implanted can be reduced. If there are irregularities in the implant cavities, these irregularities are eliminated with short-term orthodontic treatments, implants are placed in a healthier way, and your implant maintenance can be done more healthily and easily. Different intraoral treatments when orthodontic intervention is required may negatively affect the course of treatment later on. It is useful to undergo an orthodontic examination before having fixed units such as prosthetic implants. Cutting Teeth – Adults who have to have their teeth cut can resolve the gaps created by tooth extraction with orthodontic treatment. In this way, they can get rid of their problems without having their teeth cut. With orthodontic treatment, the teeth can be moved in the jaw and treatment can be done without the need for tooth cutting or coating.
  • What Are the Disadvantages of Orthodontic Treatment in Adult Age?
Duration of Treatment –There are two negative aspects of starting orthodontic treatment in adulthood. One is that the duration of the treatment is longer than the ones applied in young people. The reason for this is that the body responds late in changing the existing whole when the areas that have completed their development are intervened again.
In the cases we have encountered, treatment takes place and the result is good. Those who receive the treatment are satisfied with the result, but the treatment period may be longer than that of an adolescent. At this point, the adult should take into account the duration of treatment Treatment Options – The other negative aspect is that the variety of treatments is limited due to the deformation of the mouth in later ages. The type of braces and treatment method deemed appropriate by the orthodontist must be applied. The options requested by the patient may not be applicable in the treatment. There are options for adults who don’t want to be seen with braces later in life. For adults who do not want to be seen with braces, there are treatment methods that offer aesthetic solutions such as Lingual Orthodontics or Transparent Braces.